How To Freeze Your Bird
When picking a bird to mount make sure it is free of pine feathers and in good condition.
When freezing your bird you will need to wrap it in a wet paper towel, only the head and feet. Then, fold the head over the top of the body(not under the wing). Lastly, stick it in a sealable bag and put it in the freezer.
For pheasants, detach the tail by lifting the feathers right next to the tail feathers, then cut the tail off at the base of the feathers. (Just as a turkey)
How To Freeze Your Fish
When preparing your fish for a taxidermist, Make sure the fins are laid flat and not bent. Then, wrap the fish with wet paper towels or any wet cloth. Be sure to put an extra wet cloth or paper towel around the tail fin. Then put the fish in a sealable bag and into the freezer.
How To Cape Out Your Deer
The deer should be hung by its back legs in order to be caped properly. Start by making a cut all the way around the middle section of the body or 3/4 the way up the rib cage. Then on the front legs make a cut all the way around the knee joint. In the picture make a straight cut from the cut around the legs following the hairline pattern straight up the cut around the center of the body.